Friday, February 27, 2009

Couches, Beds and Bottles

My voice is offically back. Thank goodness! This week has certainly been an interesting one. On Tuesday was bought a couch off of craigslist. I'm a BIG craigslist addict. It looked like a great deal so I sent Keith to check it out and he decided to buy it. Afterwards he told me, on the phone, that it had a smell but he wasn't sure what it was. When I got home I immediately knew that the smell was cigarettes. Keith also then informed me that he really didn't like the couch because it doesn't have enough back support. So I'm not sure why this smelly and uncomfortable couch is sitting in my living room.

Over the last few days I've managed to neutralize the smell to a tolerable level using baking soda and febreeze. I believe, over time, I can get rid of the smell all together. As for the comfort level of the couch, I actually like it and it matches our room pretty well. So, I decided to make a case for keeping the couch but Keith will not have it. So, now I have two couches taking up a lot of space in our small living room. The only solution is to sell one or both of them. I listed them both on craigslist to see which would sell first.

Here comes the most frustrating part. I've sold MANY things on craigslist in the past and had no trouble at all. But with this, I get email after email and NOBODY will follow through. I've people so much as say they want to come buy it right now and then never email me back. You've got to be kidding me! If I don't get one of these couches out of here soon I'm going to loose my mind.

On a more cheerful note, Noah got a big boy bed this week. He absolutely adored his racecar toddler bed but he kept rolling off at night or wanting to sleep in our bed. The other night I was fast asleep and when I rolled over I woke up because Noah was asleep across my legs like a puppy dog. I concluded that he must not really have enough room on his toddler bed. Since we got the twin size bed he has stopped coming into our room. He's been napping better too.

This week, Allison decided that she is done nursing. She would just cry all the time for about the last week and a half and I couldn't figure out why. I though she was teething so I kept giving her tylenol, orajel, and teething tablets to no avail. Finally, one night, I remembered that this is exactly how Noah acted when he was giving up nursing. So, I made a bottle and gave it to her and she hasn't wanted to nurse since. It's particularly weird because, up to this point I couldn't get her to take a bottle at all. Now she's just as happy as can be and loves to hold her own bottle and everything. Easier for me!

Final note, tonight we got the movie Enchanted from netflix. I absolutely loved it! If you are ever having a bad day just watch that movie and it will cheer you right up. So funny.


Unknown said...

Such a cute family! I can't believe Noah's in a big bed already, Jayden is still in a toddler bed. As far as the presents I'll let Jeremy know to drop hints.


Unknown said...

hey congrats on being done nursing! its great for the baby and all, but its soo nice when you are done...cute bed for noah too! when did he graduate from his crib? good luck with the couches too...

Steve, Maggie, Janie said...

love the ikea bed. ive been eyeing that one.

Christina Huling said...

cute bed!

Angela said...

I love the bed! I hope you didn't pay too much for your craigslist couch now that you have to try and get rid of it. I hope things get better for you with that.

Is it nice to have Allison on the bottle?

Christine said...

Can you please have Allison talk to Kara about holding her bottle? None of mine have done that without me practically having to duct tape the thing to their hands. Sigh.

Good luck unloading the couch!

Kate Challis said...

Cute bed!

I'm sorry about the inconsistency of craigslisters. That's not fun to deal with at all.

Lucky you, you are done with breastfeeding for a while! I keep having these dreams that, once my baby is born, I won't be able to figure out how to breastfeed, or it won't work, or something else weird like that. Hmm.

Cindy said...

Noah's bed looks great! I'm sure he's enjoying it.