Well, it's not really THE moment yet. Today I took my first clomid pill. For those of you who don't know, clomid is a fertility drug designed to induce ovulation (which is the process that causes an unfertilized egg to be released.) Clomid has some risks for people like me. In fact, it specfically warns that people with chronic cysts should not take this drug. Now, I haven't had a large cyst in over 6 months but the last two I had were about 9 months apart. 2 massive cysts in 9 months is highly unusual. Most women get maybe 1 their entire lives or none at all. There is a risk that if I take clomid that it will overstimlate my already overstimulated ovaries and the result will be a cyst for the record books. We're talking 7-15 centimeters. The biggest one I've had was 6.
I brought my concerns to my doc when he suggested trying clomid. He acknowledged the risk and said he thinks the potential benefits outweigh the risk. Frankly, I'm skeptical but I really don't have any other options at this point. So, worst case scenario I lose an ovary. Best case scenario I get pregnant. Time will tell, I guess.
Try and stay positive and stress free.
Wow, Heather. Hope for the best.
I don't know if you remember me. But we have lost 5 pregnancies since our son was born in 2009. And my doctor wants me to go on Clomid this month. I'm praying for you guys. Stay positive and calm.
You can touch my belly for good luck as often as you wish ... =)
Hoping for the best...
Praying for you.
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