Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nasty Baby

A few weeks ago I was helping Noah on the potty when the phone rang. Normally I would have just let it ring but I was expecting an important call so I ran to get it leaving Noah and Allison alone in the bathroom. I thought the worst that Allison could do was unroll all the toilet paper. A few moments later I heard Noah yelling, "Nooooo baby!" and I ran in to see what she was doing. Noah had gone poop and then got off the potty after which Allison proceeded to go fishing for poop. And she took a little taste as well. Never a dull moment.

The picture is of her eating dirt, but you get the idea.


Unknown said...

Gross! It's amazing what children will put in their mouths.


Unknown said...

oh man! that is funny.

Cindy said...

That is gross, but funny. I could totally see Allison doing that since she loves to put stuff in her mouth. Noah could tease her about this for years when they're older!