Saturday, January 24, 2009

Never a Dull Moment

Some of the pictures are a little older, like this one of Noah in Allison's carseat. Which is actually his old carseat but he doesn't remember.

Duck head! Allison was just a few weeks old here.

This is current. Noah is a great older brother!

Noah's most recent preferred sleeping position.

Now that Allison is all recovered we have been trying to get back into a more normal rhythm. I started a few new piano students this week. In all, I have 6 new students since the first of the year.

Last weekend Keith and I went to see the National Symphony play. They had a pianist named Leif Andsnes (not sure I spelled it right.) He's Norwegian and VERY good. They played the Rachmoninoff 3rd piano concerto. It was amazing! It's been a long time since I've been to the symphony and I forgot how much I enjoyed it. I got tickets for this week's performance of Symphonie Fantastique and took my mother-in-law. It was also very enjoyable. I hope to attend more NSO performances in the future.

We got a second car this week. We bought my brother's 98 Camry. We got it for very cheap and it's perfect for me to drive around with the kids on occasion. Most importantly, it has 4 doors. I was getting so tired of getting those kids in and out of a 2 door car.

The kids have been their usual selves. Allison has really taken a liking to solid food. Particularly the sweet ones. She really likes banannas and applesauce. But, who doesn't? Noah just about gave me a heart attack the other day by drinking gasoline. Yes, GASOLINE. How did he get gasoline, you might ask? Well, we ran out of gas a few weeks ago and Keith left the gas can on the porch. It was the second time I had to call poison control in the month. (The first time he drank all purpose cleaner.) Surprisingly, gas isn't all that hazardous when swallowed. We just had to keep him away from any open flames for a few days. Never a dull moment.


Unknown said...

ahhaha thats awful that he has been drinking cleaner and gas, but i had to laugh when you said "we just had to keep him away from an open flame for a few days". cute pictures, noah and allison are looking very much alike i think! we have a 97 camry, and yah its a good little car so far for us, glad you got a 2nd, thats so nice to have. i also see noah is in a toddler bed! when did he start sleeping there?

Crystal said...

I started laughing when I read the gasoline and calling poison control twice. I've had the same problem in my household lately. Kjersti ate almost a whole bottle of chewable tyenol (child proof of course, just not for a two yr. old). And prior to that Jayden drank a bottle of cough syrup and then prior to that Kjersti got into poison berries in our backyard. And I had to call when Jayden was a year old cause he tried to eat my deoderant. Craziness. I seriously thought all the times I've called they're going to call child services. Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone.

Angela said...

I'm glad Noah's O.K., that would have scared me too. We have pokeberries in our backyard, of course during the winter that is no big deal, but I get very nervous about Lainey or Robby eating them in the summer.

April said...

Holy cow! And I thought Ava got into stuff! Glad everything is okay, I hope it calms down a little for you!

Crystal said...
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Crystal said...

So my first comment didn't make any sense. As far as Jeremy he keeps mentioning TX but we should have a definite place within the next week (he keeps telling me the end of Jan, so we'll see). As far as me going with him, maybe for the first month, but since I'm having a baby in the middle of the summer we can't see me staying out the whole time. It will be an interesting summer to say the least. (hopefully this one makes more sense)

Christina Huling said...

the kids do look alot alike like Jaden and Jocelyn. hopefully they will be best friends too!