Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Nasty Baby

A few weeks ago I was helping Noah on the potty when the phone rang. Normally I would have just let it ring but I was expecting an important call so I ran to get it leaving Noah and Allison alone in the bathroom. I thought the worst that Allison could do was unroll all the toilet paper. A few moments later I heard Noah yelling, "Nooooo baby!" and I ran in to see what she was doing. Noah had gone poop and then got off the potty after which Allison proceeded to go fishing for poop. And she took a little taste as well. Never a dull moment.

The picture is of her eating dirt, but you get the idea.

Sunday, November 22, 2009


So, I just realized I forgot to blog about Halloween. Silly me! Last year Noah was afraid of his costume. It was a little bee costume and we wrestled him into it despite his protests. We were hoping that once he saw how it looked he'd warm up to it. It turns out, we probably just traumatized him.

This year I was determined to get Noah into a costume. I spent a lot of time talking to him about Halloween in the weeks leading up to it. He still said "no way" to wearing a costume. Then, one day, we were at the store and I was showing him a bunch of different costumes still getting the same response. I picked up a Superman costume and took it out of the package just to see if it would fit. The moment he saw it out of the box, he wanted it. I never thought it would be so easy! After that he couldn't wait for Halloween. He's cured! This all happened about 2 weeks before the holiday. When we bought the costume it fit perfectly but by Halloween it was a little small. Kids grow so fast!
We went over to Burke Lake to take a ride on the ghost train and the carousel. They handed out candy and we had cotton candy too. The kids were loaded with sugar before they even went trick or treating! We went with some friends. Here they are in their costumes. The little kangaroo is Allison's buddy Savannah (they are only 3 days apart!) You can see that we put Allison in the dreaded bee costume of last year. Luckily, Noah was not afraid of her.

That night we went to a friends house for a little potluck and then went trick or treating in their neighborhood. It was great fun despite the rain that hit about half and hour in. One of the best
things that came of all this was Noah finally discovered what his very favorite candy is. Drum roll please........................SMARTIES! That was all he would eat from his bag. It was great because Keith and I got to eat the rest. Here they are with a couple of friends from the trick or treating group. So much fun!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Noah Turns 3

Monday was Noah's 3rd birthday. It's so crazy that it has been 3 years since he was born. I asked Noah if he'd rather have a party or a trip to the zoo for his birthday and he chose the zoo. We went last Saturday and the kids had a blast. Sunday we did cake and presents. Now the countdown begins again to November 16th's a little tribute to our oldest.


The day after he was born.

His 3rd birthday! He's growing up so fast!