Friday, June 12, 2009

DC Trip

I've been meaning to post this for a while but I just forgot about it. A while ago we went downtown with some friends to see the Natural History Museum and some of the monuments. First we went to the museum and had a great time. We went to the butterfly exhibit which was so cool. You go into this room and there are butterflies everywhere and they even land on you. Allison was the only one fortunate to experience a butterfly landing on her and she didn't even notice. Noah noticed and insisted that we get it off her. So protective.

After the museum we were on our way to the Lincoln Monument and Noah blew out his diaper to the point that his pants and shirt were soiled. He hasn't done that in about a year so I had stopped bringing a change of clothes for him. I ended up buying him a t-shirt from a cart ("I Love DC") and putting Allison's spare pants on him.

While I was changing Noah the others found a fountain to splash in outside of the museum. The moment Noah saw that he was all about it. I was fine with it until he fell in and soaked the new clothes I had just put on him. So, I bought ANOTHER t-shirt and took the pants off Allison to put on him. Then, Allison had her 3rd poopy diaper of the trip and used my last diaper so when Noah soaked through the one he was wearing he had to borrow a pink pull up from Ava. Phew! This is long. Well, you know what they say.......a picture is worth a thousand words.


Unknown said...

HA! that sounds like one of those days... but fun! i love the purple pants on noah... that is definitely gona be worth something at his wedding!

Kara said...

I LOVE IT! (Mostly the pants). But where, oh, where is the I heart DC shirt? I really wanted a picture of the full ensemble from head to toe after your story last night.
Good record keeping (beehive lesson today) that I'm sure your posterity will enjoy in the future.

Cindy said...

Thanks for posting that picture of Noah! I love the story and now the picture makes it all complete.

Al & Whitney said...

lol oh thats funny. Noah looks cute in purple pants

Kate Challis said...

That is a really funny story!

Thanks, BTW, for writing nice comments on my blog. You really made me feel better. I don't want my blog to be all fluff and bunnies, you know? Sometimes life sucks. I like that about your blog; you write about it all!

I did end up changing the post in the end, but it made me feel really good that you care about my opinion as is.